Join me on the content creator journey.

Why subscribe?

Creator Thought Thursdays is a weekly newsletter featuring a content creator's journey and the knowledge learned along the way.

Every single Thursday expect deep insights, actionable advice, and learning resources delivered to your inbox. As well as some of the content I created during that week.

We all see the creators that have “made it” share their stories and growth tactics on social media but rarely do we see the experiences and thoughts that happened along the way.

My goal with this newsletter is to bridge that gap and share everything I’ve learned on a daily basis, in hopes that you as a creator can learn and grow with me.

I promise that I won't sell your email address to any third parties, and I won't use it for anything other than sending you an email once a week. 

Who Am I?

I’m currently a college student based in California and have worked in the tech industry as a Software Engineering intern and now Product Management intern.

Though outside of the tech life, my heart belongs to the world of content creation.

I currently host a podcast featuring black stories in tech, a YouTube channel based around commentary, and write this weekly newsletter!

Let’s Connect

If you want to connect then be sure to follow me and reach out on Twitter: @kimmiko_james

Feel free to check out everything else I do here:

Subscribe to Creator Thought Thursdays

A newsletter featuring a content creator's journey and the knowledge learned along the way.


Currently a college student trying to figure life out. I'm an experienced tech nerd and have worked in the industry as a software engineering intern, and will be trying out product management soon. I like to make videos on commentary.